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Posted 12/23/2020 in Category 1 by Amelia Grant

5 Tips to Reduce Your Kid’s Fear of the Dentist

5 Tips to Reduce Your Kid’s Fear of the Dentist

Usually, children are scared and anxious when they have to visit a dentist. Of course, it’s important to pay attention to your child’s teeth. But making a frightened, anxious kid go for a regular checkup may seem like a challenge. If you want to manage your child’s dental anxiety, here are a couple of tips that may come in handy.

1. Read your child books featuring characters at the dentist

It’s a great option to reduce anxiety and even get a kid interested in visiting the dentist. Through easily understandable language and vivid artwork, your kid will get a better picture of what to expect at the dental office

2. Play “Dentist” with your child in preparation for the appointment.

Before taking your child to the dental office, you can play out a dental visit. Give your kid an opportunity to role-play as they try to examine your mouth. With just a toothbrush, chair, and mirror, you can create a pretend dental office in your child’s room without any effort. You can help your kid understand what to expect at an actual dental office. 

3. Get your child to the dentist at an early age.

Specialists recommend parents to schedule a dental appointment for their kids right after the start of teething. Taking your kids to the dentist at a young age is not only good for their oral health in the future, but also gets them familiar with the dental procedures and treatments. It’s good for them to feel more confident about dental exams and build trust in the dental specialists themselves. And you’ll be able to teach them the necessity of a teeth routine while they’re still young.

4. Visit a pediatric dentist

When trying to care for your child’s teeth, visiting a pediatric specialist is the best thing you can do. These specialists have 3 to 4 years of specific training after dental school and treat kids only. Visiting a kids dentist who is trained to work specifically with children is essential to lay the foundation for a pleasant dental experience.. Pediatric specialists are usually related to the pediatrician, providing you with an entree to a network of medical specialists.

5. Educate your child on the importance of dental habits

Educating your kids on the importance of teeth routine is an investment in their future wellbeing. While your kids are at an early age, you can teach them how to maintain healthy teeth.  Discuss the importance of frequent dental checkups, regular brushing, using mouthwash, etc. with your kid. Let them know that a dentist is a doctor who treats their teeth and helps maintain their smiles white and shiny. This will play an essential role in making your kids ok with the idea of frequent dental checkups and set the importance of proper teeth routine for years to come.

The bottom line

The best possible option that will help maintain your child’s dental health is to care for it from the start of the teething process. In addition to educating them on how to maintain proper teeth care, it’s important to have access to a professional dental specialist. Even when it’s hard for them to overcome the fear of the dentist, don’t let your kids avoid their dental exams. Try to make your kid comfortable with the idea of visiting the dentist by getting your child to the dentist at an early age It’s important that you help them overcome their fear to receive the dental care they need.