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Posted 09/10/2020 in Category 1 by Amelia Grant

6 Effective Ways to Relieve a Pinched Nerve

6 Effective Ways to Relieve a Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve is a quite painful and irritating condition. Pinched nerves may complicate almost all everyday tasks from walking to sleeping properly. This condition occurs when tissues become pressed against the nerve. This will eventually cause inflammation and pain. There are many things that can make you more prone to this condition. Having poor health or unhealthy nutrition can make pinched nerve pain worse. 

Fortunately, there are many effective tips to relieve a pinched nerve and prevent it. Below you may find 6 effective ways to relieve pinched nerve pain and speed up the healing process. 

1. Improve your posture

Poor posture is a major cause of pinched nerves. Sitting in an improper position puts excessive stress on your vertebrae contributing to back and neck pain. Many people who have sedentary work suffer from pinched nerves because of their bad posture. 

It is important to practice good posture to prevent and relieve a pinched nerve. You may also improve your workplace using special cushions, chairs, and neck rests that reduce pressure on the vertebrae. 

2. Use medications

Medications are a good way to relieve pinched nerves. Pain medication and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may reduce swelling and pain that pinched nerves cause. If you are considering medical therapy to relieve pinched nerve symptoms it is very important to consult an experienced doctor. The specialist will prescribe you proper medications and dosage. 

3. Stretching and yoga

Stretching exercises like yoga are a good way to relieve discomfort that pinched nerves cause. Yoga helps reduce tension and pressure in the affected area. Continue doing yoga or stretching exercises even after the pain disappears. You may prevent a recurrence of a pinched nerve and decrease the risk of other conditions associated with a sedentary lifestyle. 

Avoid stretching too deeply. This can make your pinched nerve symptoms worse. It is also very important to monitor your feeling while exercising. If you experience discomfort, then you need to stop exercising to avoid damaging the nerve even more. 

4. Cold compress

Applying a cold ice pack on the affected area is a good way to relieve pinched nerve pain. This may help you reduce inflammation and swelling. It is very important to diminish the swelling since it may cause additional stress around the nerve and worsen the pain. Apply a cold compress with light pressure on the affected area up to 15 minutes 3 times a day. Applying a compress for longer may reduce blood flow and slow down the healing process. 

You may also try to alternate cold compress with hot. Put some hot water in a  bottle and apply it to the swollen area for up to an hour. You may repeat this procedure about 5 times a week. 

5. Massage

Massage may help you relieve pinched nerve symptoms. Pressing the affected area gently you may reduce tension and improve the blood flow to the nerve. This will eventually help relax muscles and speed up the healing process. It is recommended to avoid deep massage since it may worsen your condition. 

6. Get enough sleep and rest

It is very important to get enough sleep and rest for nerve healing. During a night’s sleep, the body repairs itself so the symptoms of a pinched nerve will be relieved faster. Sometimes, adequate rest and sleep are sufficient to get relief. It also decreases the risk of complications during pinched nerve treatment and increases its effectiveness. 

If you suffer from a pinched nerve you need to avoid rapid movements that irritate the nerve. Choose a sleeping position that doesn't put pressure on the nerve.