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Posted 01/27/2021 in Category 1 by Amelia Grant

6 Signs You May Need Physical Therapy

6 Signs You May Need Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is the treatment aimed at relieving pain with the help of exercise and hands-on care. Paying attention to your body may reveal signs that indicate that you may need to see a physical therapist which can save you from continuous pain or even a severe condition. 

Don’t miss these 6 signs that may indicate that you might need the help of a physical therapy specialist.

1. You’re experiencing dull pain
Continuous dull pain may be a sign of a serious injury. It can indicate a strained muscle or a severe fracture. Timely treatment is essential for proper and quick healing. If neglected, an injury can get worse leading to irreversible damage. A physical therapist can evaluate your symptoms and develop an appropriate treatment plan to fix the culprit of your pain. A specialist may use different pain-reducing approaches like manual therapy and exercise. They can also provide you with important information on how to prevent your pain in the future. Minimizing and relieving any type of continuous pain will allow you to have a better range of motion and enjoy your life fully.

2. You’re recovering after a surgery
Even a minor surgery requires your body to heal and recover properly. Physical therapy rehabilitation is essential for the quick regain of strength and mobility. It can be very helpful if you’re required to spend a large amount of time healing in a hospital bed. A carefully developed exercise plan is essential to regain muscle and joint flexibility during the recovery. A physical therapist can also help reduce the amount of scar tissue that develops after surgery. Physical therapy is essential for a quicker recovery period.

3. You’re experiencing pain from repetitive movements
You may be one of those people that sit in the same position, doing routine work for a large portion of the day. Even if your job allows movements, repetitive actions like lifting or pulling objects the same way can lead to repetitive strain injury. Bursitis or trigger finger are common conditions that typically occur due to repetitive movements. A physical therapy specialist can develop a set of exercises to treat the injury and can explain how to avoid it in the future. 

4. You’re experiencing more injuries than normally 
If you’re constantly straining muscles or falling more than usual, undergoing physical therapy can be beneficial for you. An experienced physical therapist can recommend exercises to enhance your stability and improve your range of motion. A specialist can teach you how to warm up or cool down after physical activity to prevent strained muscles or joints.

5. You’re experiencing difficulties participating in your favorite activities 
You may not suffer from any pain or discomfort, but you may experience difficulties while doing things you like. It can be due to chronic diseases like arthritis or general deterioration of your joints and muscles. Physical therapy can treat these problems and allow you to enjoy your favorite activities.

6. You’re experiencing constant headaches
Constant, repeating headaches are another ailment that can be fixed with physical therapy. Often, constant headaches can occur due to strained muscles in your neck and back. A physical therapist can teach you stretching exercises and perform massages to prevent the development and reduce the severity of your headaches.

The bottom line
Muscle strain and stability difficulties due to chronic disease, surgery, or repetitive strain injury can be treated with physical therapy to allow you complete freedom of movement. A carefully tailored physical therapy plan can also minimize or relieve pain. Physical therapy can be beneficial for all people regardless of their age. So if pain and discomfort are making you lead a sedentary lifestyle and avoid participating in your favorite activities, consider consulting with a physical therapist to treat your problem.