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Posted 04/06/2021 in Category 1 by Amelia Grant

7 Common Gynecological Myths You Shouldn't Believe In

7 Common Gynecological Myths You Shouldn't Believe In

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about the female reproductive system and related topics. Even though most of these myths were created many years ago, they are still popular today. The main problem is that these misconceptions and prejudices can do more harm than good. In this article, we have gathered seven common gynecological myths you shouldn't believe in.

1. Periods are not so painful

There is a common misconception that some women complain about painful periods to skip school or work. But the reality is that extremely painful periods that interfere with normal activities are familiar to many women. However, severe pain and cramping can be caused by underlying medical conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, etc. That's why it is better to visit your gynecologist to evaluate your condition and define the exact cause of your pain.

2. Hormonal contraception causes weight gain and infertility

Many women are still afraid to use hormonal contraception since they think it can make them gain weight or even lead to infertility. When hormonal contraceptives just appeared on the market many decades ago, they had a lot of side effects. But today, hormonal birth control is completely safe. However, you should always consult your gynecologist about the most suitable hormonal contraception.

3. Condoms protect against all STDs

Even though condoms are considered the most effective option that can help prevent the transmission of various STDs, they still don't guarantee complete protection. The truth is that some STDs like human papillomavirus and genital herpes can be passed between sexual partners through skin-to-skin contact. If these viruses cause symptoms in the area that is not covered by a condom, you can easily get infected.

4. Uterine fibroids can be treated at home

If you are diagnosed with uterine fibroids, you may think that self-treatment can be a good option. Indeed, fibroids that are small and don't cause any symptoms can be left untreated. You need only to monitor your condition. But the reality is that large fibroids that cause pain, pressure, and infertility should be treated by the best fibroid specialist with the help of medications or removed surgically.

5. Missed periods always mean pregnancy

If you have skipped a few periods in a row, it doesn't always mean that you are pregnant. Even though pregnancy is the most common cause of missed periods, there are a lot of other factors that can lead to this issue. Prolonged stress, sudden weight gain or loss, and hormonal imbalance can make your periods disappear. In any case, it is better to visit your gynecologist and undergo an exam to define the exact cause of missed periods.

6. Pain during sex is normal

It is extremely important to understand that sex shouldn't be painful. If you experience pain and discomfort during intercourse, you can try to change the pose or the debt of penetration. If the pain doesn't disappear, you need to make an appointment with your gynecologist. Conditions like vaginal dryness, vaginismus, cervical cancer, endometriosis, and many others can cause pain during sex.

7. There is no reason to visit a gynecologist regularly

Many women still postpone or even skip gynecological check-ups if they don't experience any symptoms. But it is essential to know that many gynecological conditions can develop asymptomatically. For example, cervical cancer doesn't cause severe symptoms in the initial stages. The only way to diagnose it is to visit your gynecologist and undergo a pelvic exam and additional tests. 

The bottom line

If you want to stay healthy, it is extremely important to pay sufficient attention to your body. Even if you don't experience any symptoms, regular gynecological exams can help treat your condition in time and avoid severe complications.