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Posted 03/18/2021 in Category 1 by Amelia Grant

8 Common Reasons for Back Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

8 Common Reasons for Back Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

If you have ever experienced back pain, then you probably know how exhausting it can be. Pain and discomfort in the back can interfere with daily activity and make even the simplest tasks (like tying your shoelaces or lifting something) too difficult.

The main problem is that most people tend to neglect back pain and don’t visit a doctor. As a result, the underlying conditions can progress and the pain can become chronic. In this article, we have gathered seven common reasons for back pain you shouldn’t ignore.

1. Poor posture

Poor posture is a quite common condition. Even though most people don’t think that it is a serious issue, poor posture has a lot of negative complications like back pain, digestive issues, problems with breathing, etc. That’s why it is extremely important to maintain proper posture. In the beginning, your pain can ache even more but your condition will improve as soon as you get used to proper posture.

2. Sedentary lifestyle

A lack of physical activity in combination with a sedentary lifestyle can make your muscles stiff and achy. Back pain is a common issue for people who tend to spend all working day at the desk and evening on the couch. To ease painful sensations, you need to take small breaks and exercise throughout the day and in the evening. 

3. Uncomfortable bed

The way you sleep has a great impact on your well-being and overall health. If your bed is uncomfortable, it is not surprising that you can toss and turn throughout the whole night and wake up with back pain. The mattress shouldn’t be stiff or soft, it should hold your spine in a natural position. 

4. Back injury

Back injuries are extremely serious since you can hurt your spine and this can lead to severe complications like spinal fractures or torn muscles. If you have injured your back, you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible. 

5. Spinal diseases

There are a lot of conditions that can affect your spine. The most common of them are:

  • Arthritis

  • Degenerative disc disease

  • Herniated disc

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Spondylosis

  • Scoliosis

  • Kyphosis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Spinal tumors

If you experience back pain that doesn’t disappear after rest or light massage, it is essential to contact your back pain doctor immediately. Timely and precise treatment can help ease your pain and prevent the aggravation of your condition. 

6. Obesity

People who have extra pounds are also more likely to get back pain. Excessive weight puts additional pressure on your spine and bones. This can result in muscle pain and even some spinal conditions. Losing extra pounds can help you not only get rid of back pain but also improve your well-being in general. 

7. Gynecological conditions

Women who often experience back pain (especially, lower back pain) may have certain gynecological disorders. For example, uterine fibroids that grow large can press on the spine and cause painful sensations. Women with endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and pelvic inflammatory disease can also have painful sensations in the lower back. 

8. Foot issues

If you have some foot conditions, wear uncomfortable shoes, or experience foot swelling, it can also lead to back pain. When your gait changes, your back muscles can become stiff. As a result, you may experience back pain. That’s why it is better to contact the best podiatrist for the examination and treatment if needed. 

The bottom line

Due to the variety of diseases that can cause pain in your back, it is essential to avoid self-treatment. Only a doctor can estimate your condition and recommend the most suitable treatment options.