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Posted 01/28/2021 in Category 1 by Amelia Grant

8 Effective Ways to Prevent Coffee Stains on Teeth

8 Effective Ways to Prevent Coffee Stains on Teeth

Teeth discoloration is a common dental concern that can occur for different reasons. The good news is that it’s treatable and preventable. Enamel, which is the hard outer coating that protects the other layers of your teeth, can have food and drink particles get stuck in the enamel and form an extrinsic stain. 

The longer the particles stay in the enamel, they start to impact other layers of the tooth. The more you consume coffee and don’t do anything to remove it, the stain goes deeper and deeper resulting in an intrinsic stain, and it’s harder to remove. Luckily, we have some strategies to get rid of coffee stains that can help you: 

1. Try baking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide 

Try mixing a small amount of baking soda with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. This way you can make your own toothpaste. If this mix is too gritty, that means you have added too much baking soda. This can harm your enamel. Baking powder is less abrasive than baking soda toothpaste, which contains additives, so if you feel that baking soda is too strong for your teeth, try baking powder. 

2. Chew sugar-free gum 

Sugar-free gum can help you moisturize your mouth and clean your teeth at the same time. Chewing gum increases the production of saliva in your mouth. Saliva helps wash away acids and plaque from your teeth. According to the American Dental Association, chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after eating will help prevent dry mouth and tooth decay. 

3. Brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste 

The main cause of a tooth stain is plaque formation. Therefore, brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste and seeing your dentist for regular cleanings are the best two ways to avoid coffee stains on your teeth. If your teeth are too stained, you can talk to your doctor about a teeth whitening procedure

4. Add some milk to your coffee 

Adding milk to your coffee can make a big difference for your teeth. According to a study published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, casein is the main protein in milk that can latch onto tannins in teeth. Tannins are bitter-tasting particles that leave residue on teeth and prevent staining. Coffee also contains small amounts of tannins so coffee drinkers can benefit from this. 

5. Drink coffee quickly 

Those who drink a whole cup of coffee in five minutes will have less stained teeth unlike those who take their time and finish the same amount of coffee in two hours. Those who drink coffee slowly expose their teeth to this drink for a longer period of time and thus will have more stained teeth.

6. Use a straw 

When drinking through a straw, less liquid touches your teeth meaning the coffee has less opportunity to stain your teeth. Using a straw comes more naturally to iced coffee drinkers, but it works for hot coffee as well.

7. Don’t forget to use floss 

For many people, it’s hard to floss as regularly as dentists recommend. However, setting aside a few minutes to floss every day can make a big positive effect on your dental health. Regular flossing will help you get rid of plaque generally which actually causes tooth discoloration. Brushing alone won’t completely remove all the bacteria from your teeth and gums. Accumulated plaque can result in calculus and provoke infections. 

8. Drink water between cups of coffee 

Drinking water will help you avoid bad breath due to mouth dryness. Water can help rinse away plaque that accumulates on your teeth preventing them from staining. Plus, staying hydrated is a good way to maintain optimal health and even lose weight.