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Posted 06/07/2021 in Category 1 by Amelia Grant

8 Gynecological Conditions That Can Affect Your Cervix

8 Gynecological Conditions That Can Affect Your Cervix

There are a lot of conditions that can affect the female reproductive system. Some of them can damage the cervix and cause severe symptoms. Unfortunately, many women tend to neglect regular gynecological check-ups and visit a doctor only in the case of severe symptoms. This usually results in advanced conditions that require more complicated treatment. In this article, we have gathered eight gynecological conditions that can affect your cervix.

1. Sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a quite common issue that affects many people. When a woman becomes infected with STIs, she may not experience any severe symptoms. But over time, a woman can get an abnormal vaginal discharge, unpleasant genital odor, vaginal itching, and pain during sex because of cervical damage. That’s why it is essential to use condoms during sex and undergo regular gynecological exams. 

2. Cervicitis

Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix. Many women with cervicitis don’t experience any symptoms until they undergo a pelvic exam. But in other women, cervicitis can cause vaginal bleeding between periods, abnormal vaginal discharge, pain and spotting during or after sex, and pain during urination. Due to the fact that cervicitis can be caused by allergic reactions and vaginal infections, it should be treated by a gynecologist.

3. Cervical stenosis

Cervical stenosis is a condition in which the cervix becomes too narrow or completely closed. The most common causes of cervical stenosis include:

  • Menopause 

  • Cervical cancer

  • Surgery that involves the cervix

  • Endometrial ablation

  • Radiation therapy to treat cervical cancer or endometrial cancer

Even though cervical stenosis can develop asymptomatically, some women with this condition can experience problems with periods and fertility issues. 

4. Nabothian cysts

Nabothian cysts are tiny mucus-filled sacs on the surface of the cervix. Fortunately, nabothian cysts don’t cause severe complications like cancer or other health issues. The most common causes of these cysts are childbirth and cervical injury. In most cases, nabothian cysts don’t require any treatment but if they become large or cause discomfort, your gynecologist can remove them. 

5. Cervical polyps

Cervical polyps are small tumors that grow on the cervix. Cervical polyps are most common in women between the ages of 40 and 50 who have had more than one child. Symptoms of cervical polyps include white or yellow vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods or after sex, and heavy periods. You should know that cervical polyps can also be a sign of cancer. That's why it is better to remove them.

6. Cervical ectropion

Cervical ectropion is a condition that develops when the soft cells that outline the inside of the cervical canal spread to the outside of the cervix. This condition is quite common in women of childbearing age. But you should know that it is not cancerous and doesn't affect fertility. Cervical ectropion can cause light mucus discharge, spotting between periods, pain during sex, spotting after sex or pelvic exam. Your gynecologist can cauterize the area to help prevent abnormal discharge and bleeding.

7. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus spreads outside on the pelvic organs including the cervix. Some women with endometriosis don’t experience any symptoms while others can have problems with fertility, painful periods, pain during sex, spotting, and lower back pain. There is no cure for endometriosis but there are a lot of treatment options that can help manage your symptoms. 

8. Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a condition in which the cells of the cervix start to change and overgrow. The most common cause of cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted infection called human papillomavirus. Unfortunately, cervical cancer usually doesn’t cause any symptoms. That’s why regular gynecological exams and Pap testing are essential. Treatment for cervical cancer depends on the severity of your condition.