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Posted 12/29/2020 in Category 1 by Amelia Grant

9 Things You Should Know About Rhinoplasty

9 Things You Should Know About Rhinoplasty

A rhinoplasty procedure is an excellent way to improve your overall appearance while complementing the unique features of your face. If you’re considering rhinoplasty, there are some things you should know in advance.

1. It is quite effective

Modern rhinoplasty is more planned, more precise, and more efficient than it’s ever been. By combining appropriately skilled professional and modern technologies, the rhinoplasty procedure can result in a naturally attractive nose that will complement your facial features and last for the rest of your life.

2. Choosing the proper specialist

Choosing a reputable and experienced surgeon is essential to achieve the desired results. Board certification requires years of professional training accompanied by a thorough written and oral examination. Boards are required to promote decent plastic surgery specialists who show the highest values of professionalism and excellence of care. After finding a board-certified specialist, getting to know his qualification, and looking at his previous work you’ll know if this surgeon meets your requirements.

3. Revision rhinoplasty 

This surgical procedure is often required to fix a few minor issues, like breathing difficulties and aesthetic imperfections. Revision rhinoplasty is an excellent option to repair a minor deformation or damaged nasal cavity. Revision rhinoplasty is considered to be more difficult than a primary surgical procedure — so make sure to consult with an experienced revision rhinoplasty specialist.

4. Swelling

Soreness and swelling can vary, and everybody recovers in a different way. Try to keep your head elevated throughout the day to reduce the swelling process. It’s essential to keep in mind that you will start to see results in a course of a couple of weeks, minor swelling may continue for a few months.

5. Short-term side effects

It’s quite common for the voice to change for a short time after rhinoplasty. Plus, often you can experience nausea after undergoing the surgery because of anesthesia and painkillers. Swelling can typically result in a short-term loss of smell, but the issue will be fixed after the swelling will decrease. Due to the structural changes in nasal tissues, you may experience increased mucus secretion and extra drainage. But this problem should vanish after full recovery too.

6. Time off

You should consider taking off about a few weeks of work. If your job requires physical activity, it’s best for you to take between 3 and 5 weeks off. Avoid overexerting yourself as this can create difficulties with the recovery process.

7. Avoid wearing glasses

It’s recommended to avoid wearing all types of glasses for a month after rhinoplasty. The weightof your glasses can lead to aesthetic imperfections and nasal defects as the bone and tissue are still recovering.

8. Avoid exercising 

Avoid exercising for 4 to 5 weeks. But, it’s better to begin taking long walks soon after your rhinoplasty to increase blood flow and minimize the chances of blood clot formation.

9. Results won’t be quick

You will see the complete results in about 11 to 14 months. Your nose will start to show adequate results somewhat sooner, but minor changes won’t happen until around a year after the surgical procedure.

The bottom line

If you’re interested in changing the shape of your nose, a rhinoplasty procedure might be a great option. Remember that finding an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon is extremely important to achieve the desired results. 

There may be short-time consequences like breathing difficulties and loss of smell. But, if after a full recovery process you’ll find out that the surgery was botched. And there are a few aesthetic issues to fix, don’t be shy and contact a reputable revision rhinoplasty specialist to recover your nose and fix all the problems.